21 August 2022
244 people were interested

Щука соломка(Northern pike straws), IWP

Logistics (Incoterms 2010)
EXW - склад Астрахань г. (Astrahan storage) (Russia)
Left in stock:
Scientific name
Production type
Cut type
Go to product specification
Price range
₽ 0/gr - ₽ 0/gr
Product Specification
Catching method
Caught (wild)
FAO 37 (Mediterranean and Black Sea)
Щука рыба, соль, вода
Northern pike, salt, water
Nutrition facts (per 100 g of product)
Белки(Proteins) - 18.8 г
Жиры(Fats) - 0.7 г
Углеводы(Carbohydrates) - 1.8 г
Вода(Water) - 78 г
Presentation mode and treatment
Prepared fishery product in a vacuum pack
Packing weight
60 гр

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