16 September 2020
656 people were interested

Marrajo al vacío, congelado

Logistics (Incoterms 2010)
EXW - Mercabarna (Spain, Catalonia)
Left in stock:
Production type
Cut type
Go to product specification
Price range
€ 0/pcs - € 0/pcs
Product Specification
Catching method
Caught (wild)
Storage conditions
Conservar a -18 °C. No volver a congelar. Una vez abierto consumir de 48 horas
Hooks and lines (Hand lines and pole lines (hand operated))
FAO 41 (Atlantic, Southwest)
Internal Name
Presentation mode and treatment
Producto al vacío congelado con piel y con hueso
5 kg
Packing weight
5 kg (neto)

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