28 September 2021
798 people were interested

Gamba carabinero, 20-30ppk

Logistics (Incoterms 2010)
EXW - Isla Cristina (Spain, Andalucia)
Left in stock:
Production type
Cut type
Go to product specification
Price range
€ 70.31/kg - € 83.74/kg
Product Specification
Catching method
Caught (wild)
Storage conditions
Mantener - 18ºC
Trawls (Bottom otter trawls)
FAO 5 (Europe - Inland waters)
Carabinero (Plesiopenaeus edwardsianus), E-223, E331iii and E450i
Nutrition facts (per 100 g of product)
Caloric content - 85 kcal
Proteins - 20.1 g
Fat - 0.5 g
Carbohydrates - 0 g
Presentation mode and treatment
Producto pesquero envasado y retractilado.
Packing weight
1 kg. Aproximado en caja

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