26 October 2021
795 people were interested

Fresh Atlantic Cod Fish(Gadus Morhua), Fresh Cod Skrei/ Dry Stock Fish For Sale

Logistics (Incoterms 2010)
FOB - Oslo (Norway)
Left in stock:
Scientific name
Production type
Cut type
Go to product specification
Price range
$ 3.56/kg - $ 4.36/kg
Product Specification
Catching method
Caught (wild)
Storage conditions
-2 degree
Expiration date
Gillnets and similar nets (Combined trammel and gillnets)
FAO 27 (Atlantic, Northeast)
Nutrition facts (per 100 g of product)
Good to consume
Presentation mode and treatment
Production / caught date
1kg, 2kg, 3kg, 4kg, 5kg, 6kg, 7kg, 8kg, 9kg, 10kg +
Packing weight
Fresh Cod Skrei/Cod Bi-products
Nybo Holding AS offers both Fresh & Frozen Cod Fish. We do export processed cod fish from Cod head, cod fillet, cod bladder .This product can be delivered fresh or frozen. Based on the color, consistency and other factors, all Cod fish products are graded on a 3-point scale:

Superior quality (SUP)
Ordinary quality (ORD)
Production quality (for domestic customers only)

Quality: Premium Quality
Size: 700gr up to 7.5kg +

Processing: IQF & Bock Frozen
Packaging: 25 kg Master-boxes
Shelf life: 1 years

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