11 August 2020
454 people were interested

Форель, слабосоленая, филе-кусок, в/у, 300 г

Logistics (Incoterms 2010)
EXW - St. Petersburg warehouse (Russia, Санкт-Петербург)
Left in stock:
Production type
Cut type
Go to product specification
Price range
₽ 5099.6/pcs - ₽ 5904.8/pcs
Product Specification
Catching method
Aquaculture / farmed (on earth)
Storage conditions
Хранить при температуре от 0°C до +6°C не более 40 суток
Dredges (Boat dredges)
FAO 87 (Pacific, Southeast)
Presentation mode and treatment
Вакуумная упаковка
300 г
Packing weight
3 кг (10 упаковок по 300 г)

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