16 September 2020
617 people were interested

Calamar relleno de gambas, semiconservado, 3 kg

Logistics (Incoterms 2010)
EXW - Mercabarna (Spain, Catalonia)
Left in stock:
Production type
Cut type
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Price range
€ 0/pcs - € 0/pcs
Product Specification
Catching method
Caught (wild)
Storage conditions
Mantener entre 0 y 3 °C
Trawls (Beam trawls)
FAO 51 (Indian Ocean, Western)
Calamar, gambas (Metapenaeus affinis), agua, antioxidante E330, estabilizante E331
Internal Name
Nutrition facts (per 100 g of product)
Valor energetico: 54 kcal (229 kJ)
Grasas: 1 g
de las cuales saturadas: <0,1 g
Hidratos de carbono: 0,9 g
de los cuales azúcares: <0,5 g
Proteinas: 10,4 g
Sal: 0,44 g
3 kg
Packing weight
3 kg (neto)

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