Wholesale Fish and Seafood Market

1982 offers
Latin name
Product type
Cut type
Atlantic salmon, frozen, steak, 1/5 Salmo salar (Atlantic salmon)
EXW - Samara warehouse (Russia, Самарская Область)
Price range
₽ 639/kg - ₽ 788.1/kg
Atlantic salmon, frozen, steak, 1/5 Salmo salar (Atlantic salmon)
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Saithe, frozen, steak, 1/5 Pollachius virens (Saithe (Pollock))
EXW - Samara warehouse (Russia, Самарская Область)
Price range
₽ 204.24/kg - ₽ 237.54/kg
Saithe, frozen, steak, 1/5 Pollachius virens (Saithe (Pollock))
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Common carp, frozen, steak, 1/5 Cyprinus carpio (Common carp)
EXW - Samara warehouse (Russia, Самарская Область)
Price range
₽ 136.5/kg - ₽ 163.5/kg
Common carp, frozen, steak, 1/5 Cyprinus carpio (Common carp)
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Burbot, frozen, steak, 1/5 Lota lota (Burbot)
EXW - Samara warehouse (Russia, Самарская Область)
Price range
₽ 107.64/kg - ₽ 129.87/kg
Burbot, frozen, steak, 1/5 Lota lota (Burbot)
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Pink salmon, frozen, steak, 1/5 Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Pink (Humpback) salmon)
EXW - Samara warehouse (Russia, Самарская Область)
Price range
₽ 176.64/kg - ₽ 201.6/kg
Pink salmon, frozen, steak, 1/5 Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Pink (Humpback) salmon)
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Spotted wolffish, frozen, steak, 1/5 Anarhichas minor (Spotted wolffish)
EXW - Samara warehouse (Russia, Самарская Область)
Price range
₽ 199.76/kg - ₽ 238.35/kg
Spotted wolffish, frozen, steak, 1/5 Anarhichas minor (Spotted wolffish)
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Chum salmon, frozen, steak, 1/5 Oncorhynchus keta (Chum (Keta, Dog) salmon)
EXW - Samara warehouse (Russia, Самарская Область)
Price range
₽ 228.73/kg - ₽ 274.99/kg
Chum salmon, frozen, steak, 1/5 Oncorhynchus keta (Chum (Keta, Dog) salmon)
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Pacific chub mackerel, frozen, HGT, 200-300, 1/10 Scomber japonicus (Pacific chub mackerel)
CFR - Ports of St. Petersburg / Kaliningrad / Novorossiysk (Russia)
Price range
$ 0.88/kg - $ 1.09/kg
Pacific chub mackerel, frozen, HGT, 200-300, 1/10 Scomber japonicus (Pacific chub mackerel)
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Pacific saury, frozen, wr, #2 (100-120), 1/10 Cololabis saira (Pacific saury)
CFR - Ports of St. Petersburg / Kaliningrad / Novorossiysk (Russia)
Price range
$ 1.48/kg - $ 1.83/kg
Pacific saury, frozen, wr, #2 (100-120), 1/10 Cololabis saira (Pacific saury)
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Pacific saury, frozen, wr, #3 (80-100), 1/10 Cololabis saira (Pacific saury)
CFR - Ports of St. Petersburg / Kaliningrad / Novorossiysk (Russia)
Price range
$ 1.28/kg - $ 1.46/kg
Pacific saury, frozen, wr, #3 (80-100), 1/10 Cololabis saira (Pacific saury)
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Indian oil sardine, frozen, HGT, 10+, 1/10 Sardinella longiceps (Indian oil sardine)
CFR - Ports of St. Petersburg / Kaliningrad / Novorossiysk (Russia)
Price range
$ 0.98/kg - $ 1.2/kg
Indian oil sardine, frozen, HGT, 10+, 1/10 Sardinella longiceps (Indian oil sardine)
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Atlantic salmon, frozen, fillet, 0,9-1,35, 1/10 Salmo salar (Atlantic salmon)
CFR - Port of Klaipeda (Lithuania, Klaipeda сounty)
Price range
$ 10.47/kg - $ 12.71/kg
Atlantic salmon, frozen, fillet, 0,9-1,35, 1/10 Salmo salar (Atlantic salmon)
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Atlantic salmon, frozen, fillet, 1,35-1,8, 1/10 Salmo salar (Atlantic salmon)
CFR - Port of Klaipeda (Lithuania, Klaipeda сounty)
Price range
$ 10.88/kg - $ 12.57/kg
Atlantic salmon, frozen, fillet, 1,35-1,8, 1/10 Salmo salar (Atlantic salmon)
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Alaska plaice, frozen, headless, 21-25, 1/22 Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus (Alaska plaice)
EXW - Vladivostok warehouse (Russia, Приморский Край)
Price range
₽ 72.45/kg - ₽ 90.16/kg
Alaska plaice, frozen, headless, 21-25, 1/22 Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus (Alaska plaice)
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Pink salmon, frozen, head-on, gutted, 0,5-0,9, 1/22 Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Pink (Humpback) salmon)
EXW - Vladivostok warehouse (Russia, Приморский Край)
Price range
₽ 159.6/kg - ₽ 178.08/kg
Pink salmon, frozen, head-on, gutted, 0,5-0,9, 1/22 Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Pink (Humpback) salmon)
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Red king crab, large claw meat, precooked Paralithodes camtschaticus (Red king crab)
EXW - Cold store Daalimpex (Netherlands)
Price range
€ 51.7/kg - € 60.5/kg
Red king crab, large claw meat, precooked Paralithodes camtschaticus (Red king crab)
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Red king crab, small claw meat, precooked Paralithodes camtschaticus (Red king crab)
EXW - Cold store Daalimpex (Netherlands)
Price range
€ 42.75/kg - € 50.4/kg
Red king crab, small claw meat, precooked Paralithodes camtschaticus (Red king crab)
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Red king crab, tip meat of propodus, precooked Paralithodes camtschaticus (Red king crab)
EXW - Cold store Daalimpex (Netherlands)
Price range
$ 36.96/kg - $ 44.94/kg
Red king crab, tip meat of propodus, precooked Paralithodes camtschaticus (Red king crab)
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