Pieces Fish Wholesale

85 offers
Latin name
Product type
Cut type
Камбала ерш кусочки н/ш, вял., фас по 1,0кг в В/У Hippoglossoides platessoides (Amer. plaice (Long rough dab))
EXW - Склад г. Мурманск (Россия) (Russia)
Price range
₽ 872.2/kg - ₽ 1060/kg
Камбала ерш кусочки н/ш, вял., фас по 1,0кг в В/У Hippoglossoides platessoides (Amer. plaice (Long rough dab))
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Камбала ерш кусочки н/ш, вял., фас по 0,5 кг в В/У Hippoglossoides platessoides (Amer. plaice (Long rough dab))
EXW - Склад г. Мурманск (Россия) (Russia)
Price range
₽ 901.6/kg - ₽ 1220.8/kg
Камбала ерш кусочки н/ш, вял., фас по 0,5 кг в В/У Hippoglossoides platessoides (Amer. plaice (Long rough dab))
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Cod bits & pieces, skinless, block, 1/22.5 Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod)
EXW - Murmansk storage (Russia)
Price range
€ 3.67/kg - € 4.33/kg
Cod bits & pieces, skinless, block, 1/22.5 Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod)
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Salmon piece 500 g Salmo salar (Atlantic salmon)
FOB - warehouse, Astrakhan, Russia (Russia)
Price range
€ 35340/mt - € 41292/mt
Salmon piece 500 g Salmo salar (Atlantic salmon)
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Catfish piece 250 g Silurus glanis (Wels (Som) catfish)
FOB - warehouse, Astrakhan, Russia (Russia)
Price range
€ 20367/mt - € 24528/mt
Catfish piece 250 g Silurus glanis (Wels (Som) catfish)
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Trout pieces 250 gr Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout)
FOB - warehouse, Astrakhan, Russia (Russia)
Price range
€ 24831/mt - € 30411/mt
Trout pieces 250 gr Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout)
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Sturgeon piece 500 g Acipenser gueldenstaedtii (Danube sturgeon (Osetr))
FOB - warehouse, Astrakhan, Russia (Russia)
Price range
€ 64970/mt - € 81030/mt
Sturgeon piece 500 g Acipenser gueldenstaedtii (Danube sturgeon (Osetr))
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Pike dried piece of 150 grams vacuum packing Esox lucius (Northern pike)
FOB - warehouse, Astrakhan, Russia (Russia)
Price range
€ 16650/mt - € 20720/mt
Pike dried piece of 150 grams vacuum packing Esox lucius (Northern pike)
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Горбуша и скумбрия, х/к, кусочки, в/у, 250 г Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Pink (Humpback) salmon)
EXW - St. Petersburg warehouse (Russia, Санкт-Петербург)
Price range
₽ 647.68/pcs - ₽ 746.24/pcs
Горбуша и скумбрия, х/к, кусочки, в/у, 250 г Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Pink (Humpback) salmon)
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Зубатка, г/к, кусок, з/атм Anarhichas minor (Spotted wolffish)
EXW - St. Petersburg warehouse (Russia, Санкт-Петербург)
Price range
₽ 1599.84/pcs - ₽ 1973.14/pcs
Зубатка, г/к, кусок, з/атм Anarhichas minor (Spotted wolffish)
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Масляная рыба, х/к кусочки, в/у Hyperoglyphe perciformis (Barrelfish)
EXW - St. Petersburg warehouse (Russia, Санкт-Петербург)
Price range
₽ 1492.26/pcs - ₽ 1665.05/pcs
Масляная рыба, х/к кусочки, в/у Hyperoglyphe perciformis (Barrelfish)
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EXW - St. Petersburg warehouse (Russia, Санкт-Петербург)
Price range
₽ 1111.5/pcs - ₽ 1228.5/pcs
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Треска , г/к, кусок, в/у Gadus macrocephalus (Pacific cod)
EXW - St. Petersburg warehouse (Russia, Санкт-Петербург)
Price range
₽ 1412.44/pcs - ₽ 1592.76/pcs
Треска , г/к, кусок, в/у Gadus macrocephalus (Pacific cod)
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EXW - St. Petersburg warehouse (Russia, Санкт-Петербург)
Price range
₽ 1405.4/pcs - ₽ 1621.62/pcs
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Семга, ребра, г/к, з/атм Salmo salar (Atlantic salmon)
EXW - St. Petersburg warehouse (Russia, Санкт-Петербург)
Price range
₽ 852.77/pcs - ₽ 1006.99/pcs
Семга, ребра, г/к, з/атм Salmo salar (Atlantic salmon)
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Скумбрия, х/к, набор к пиву, 500 г Scomber scombrus (Atlantic mackerel)
EXW - St. Petersburg warehouse (Russia, Санкт-Петербург)
Price range
₽ 365.9/pcs - ₽ 440.75/pcs
Скумбрия, х/к, набор к пиву, 500 г Scomber scombrus (Atlantic mackerel)
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Горбуша, г/к, кусок, з/атм Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Pink (Humpback) salmon)
EXW - St. Petersburg warehouse (Russia, Санкт-Петербург)
Price range
₽ 1814.22/pcs - ₽ 2005.2/pcs
Горбуша, г/к, кусок, з/атм Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Pink (Humpback) salmon)
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Кета, г/к, кусок, з/атм Oncorhynchus keta (Chum (Keta, Dog) salmon)
EXW - St. Petersburg warehouse (Russia, Санкт-Петербург)
Price range
₽ 2381.38/pcs - ₽ 2878.59/pcs
Кета, г/к, кусок, з/атм Oncorhynchus keta (Chum (Keta, Dog) salmon)
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