Headless Fish Wholesale

50 offers
Latin name
Product type
Cut type
Yellowfin sole H/G, S, seafrozen, 1/22 Limanda aspera (Yellowfin sole)
FOB - Vladivostok port, Russia (Morocco)
Price range
$ 1.52/kg - $ 1.76/kg
Yellowfin sole H/G, S, seafrozen, 1/22 Limanda aspera (Yellowfin sole)
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Yellowfin sole H/G, M, seafrozen, 1/22 Limanda aspera (Yellowfin sole)
FOB - Vladivostok port, Russia (Lithuania)
Price range
$ 1.57/kg - $ 1.75/kg
Yellowfin sole H/G, M, seafrozen, 1/22 Limanda aspera (Yellowfin sole)
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Sockeye salmon HG, 1,5 kg, 1/20 (GMC) Oncorhynchus nerka (Sockeye (Red) salmon)
EXW - Cold storage, Bremerhaven, Germany (Lithuania)
Price range
$ 5.19/kg - $ 6.1/kg
Sockeye salmon HG, 1,5 kg, 1/20 (GMC) Oncorhynchus nerka (Sockeye (Red) salmon)
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Atlantic cod H/G, 0,5 - 1kg., 1st grade, MSC Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod)
EXW - VELSEN PORT (Netherlands)
Price range
$ 3.38/kg - $ 3.94/kg
Atlantic cod H/G, 0,5 - 1kg., 1st grade, MSC Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod)
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Atlantic cod H/G, 1-2kg., 1st grade, MSC Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod)
EXW - VELSEN PORT (Netherlands)
Price range
$ 3.65/kg - $ 4.37/kg
Atlantic cod H/G, 1-2kg., 1st grade, MSC Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod)
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Atlantic cod H/G, 2-3kg., 1st grade, MSC Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod)
EXW - VELSEN PORT (Netherlands)
Price range
$ 3.99/kg - $ 4.85/kg
Atlantic cod H/G, 2-3kg., 1st grade, MSC Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod)
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Pink salmon HG, 1 st grade, Ocean run Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Pink (Humpback) salmon)
CFR - main AFRICAN ports (Morocco)
Price range
$ 2.35/kg - $ 2.83/kg
Pink salmon HG, 1 st grade, Ocean run Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Pink (Humpback) salmon)
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Chum salmon HG, 1st. grade, 1.7+kg, 1/22 (Color 11-13) Oncorhynchus keta (Chum (Keta, Dog) salmon)
CFR - main AFRICAN ports (Morocco)
Price range
$ 3.2/kg - $ 3.81/kg
Chum salmon HG, 1st. grade, 1.7+kg, 1/22 (Color 11-13) Oncorhynchus keta (Chum (Keta, Dog) salmon)
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Chum salmon HG, 1st. grade, 1.7+kg, 1/22 (Color 13+) Oncorhynchus keta (Chum (Keta, Dog) salmon)
CFR - main AFRICAN ports (Lithuania)
Price range
$ 3.69/kg - $ 4.47/kg
Chum salmon HG, 1st. grade, 1.7+kg, 1/22 (Color 13+) Oncorhynchus keta (Chum (Keta, Dog) salmon)
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Навага БГ Eleginus gracilis (Saffron cod)
EXW - Петропавловск-Камчатский (Russia, Камчатский край)
Price range
₽ 81.7/kg - ₽ 104.64/kg
Навага БГ Eleginus gracilis (Saffron cod)
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MSC Frozen Pink Salmon HG Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Pink (Humpback) salmon)
EXW - Владивосток (Russia, Приморский Край)
Price range
₽ 3.64/kg - ₽ 294/kg
MSC Frozen Pink Salmon HG Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Pink (Humpback) salmon)
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Палтус б/г, холодного копчения на ольхе Reinhardtius hippoglossoides (Greenland halibut)
EXW - Склад г. Мурманск (Russia)
Price range
₽ 750.5/kg - ₽ 892.5/kg
Палтус б/г, холодного копчения на ольхе Reinhardtius hippoglossoides (Greenland halibut)
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EXW - Склад г. Мурманск (Russia)
Price range
₽ 579.6/kg - ₽ 714/kg
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Blue whiting (Poutassou) 18+, Headless frozen IQF Micromesistius poutassou (Blue whiting (Poutassou))
EXW - warehouse, Osypnoi Bugor, Astrakhan oblast, Russia (Russia)
Price range
$ 0/kg - $ 0/kg
Blue whiting (Poutassou) 18+, Headless frozen IQF Micromesistius poutassou (Blue whiting (Poutassou))
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Путассу б/г морож., 18+ Micromesistius poutassou (Blue whiting (Poutassou))
EXW - склад с. Осыпной Бугор (Астраханск. обл.) (Russia)
Price range
₽ 84.48/kg - ₽ 100.8/kg
Путассу б/г морож., 18+ Micromesistius poutassou (Blue whiting (Poutassou))
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ФОРЕЛЬ бг, с/м б/г 2,7-3,6 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout)
EXW - warehouse St. Petersburg (Russia)
Price range
₽ 670.5/kg - ₽ 789.7/kg
ФОРЕЛЬ бг, с/м б/г 2,7-3,6 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout)
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Breaded and fried brisling Sprattus sprattus (European sprat)
EXW - Tallinn (Estonia, Harju maakond)
Price range
€ 1.9/kg - € 2.24/kg
Breaded and fried brisling Sprattus sprattus (European sprat)
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Breaded and fried Sprats Sprattus sprattus (European sprat)
EXW - Tallinn (Estonia, Harju maakond)
Price range
€ 2.67/kg - € 3.21/kg
Breaded and fried Sprats Sprattus sprattus (European sprat)
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